Monday, September 27, 2010

Sugar Free Retreat-Part 2

My initial purpose for Kelsey attending camp was to meet another girl her age who had diabetes.Who knew we would leave with that and so much more.
I was on a mission. Throughout the day,I scanned the room in search of a girl who looked to be about Kelsey's age.I wanted her to be able to talk to someone her own age about her diabetes. There was only one diabetic at her school and he was a 7 year old boy.
I spotted a girl that appeared to be Kelsey's age playing Bingo. We joined her at the table where I -as Kelsey put it- interrogated her.Kelsey was slightly mortified but as a result I found out that not only was she Kelsey's age, but she lived only 10 miles from our house! I wanted to shout BINGO! But for obvious reason I refrained.
Kelsey's new friend,Carissa, was diagnosed just a few months after Kelsey.She was at the camp with her grandfather,who was also her legal guardian. I introduced myself to "Pop-Pop"and we soon became fast friends.Shortly after our friendship began I would realize just how much we would rely on each other for support. Pop-Pop and I would become sounding boards for each other when we got down on ourselves for not managing their diabetes better.
The Fall Sugar Free Retreat was held at a campground in Delaware,just a little over an hour from home.We said goodbye to our deluxe hotel accommodations and hello to cots,cabins, and no air conditioning.This time it was just Kelsey,Carissa, and myself. Pop-Pop's knees were bothering him and it would be difficult for him to get around the campground.
I've always believed that there are no accidental meetings in life. People are sent to you at a time when you need them. This is true in the case of our bunkmates for the weekend-Danielle and her mom, Eileen.The girls-often referred to by campers as the 3 Musketeers-became inseperable during the retreat and Eileen and I would soon become great friends. To this very day her friendship,counsel, and support are invaluable to me.
The retreat offered swimming,rock wall climbing,ropes courses,bon fires, and fantastic guest speakers.Over the past few years,we've had the opportunity to hear the latest research from highly respected doctors,we've met Gary Schniener-author of "Think Like a Pancreas", and we even had a visit from 2001's Miss America,Nicole Johnson. Nicole Johnson-diabetic since college-was a powerful speaker. She let each girl put on her crown to let them know that anything is possible as long as you work hard-so dream BIG!She was an inspiration to parents by reassuring us that our children can have it all-the jog,the family, and the good health. She made it clear though that it didn't happen by accident.It was something they would have to work for.Nicole Johnson was also the one that dubbed the parents Type 3 Diabetics.
It was especially encouraging to see pictures of her holding her 9 month old healthy baby girl.Many of us who had daughters were encouraged to hear how smoothly her pregnancy went.This reassured me that Kelsey could have it all. Nicole Johnson left us all with such hopes for the future. To this day I go back and reread certain sections of her book when I am feeling weighed down by it all.It really helps tp put it all in perspective.
One of the greatest gifts that Sugar Free Retreat has to offer is the people who organize the event.The ADA staff and all of their volunteers are the most dedicated,hard working people you will ever meet.Eileen and I would soon join the ranks of volunteers and get to know them better:C.J.-diabetic herself and longtime champion for diabetes. Roy-CJ's husband who volunteers for the love of his wife and the kids of ADA. Tony-a volunteer who has no connection to diabetes but works toward the cause with such determination and unwaivering faith that we will soon find a cure. Claire- director of the retreat and gala who works tirelessly to make each event better than the last.Ron-whose body has been ravaged by this terrible disease but continues his work through ADA as well as running other facilities for diabetic children. And Carlos-an ADA employee whose enthusiasm is contagious and juggling is unprecedented. Each year he puts on a juggling show for the kids at the retreat-eplaining how juggling balls is a lot like juggling diabetes.Without the support of these people,Kelsey and I would surely be lost.
One of my favorite moments from the retreat is one that takes place at the rock climbing wall.Kelsey,Carissa,and Danielle suit up to climb up the 30 foot rock wall which then leads to the zip line which wisks them down to the ground. Kelsey and Danielle each race up to the top in what must be record time. They proceed to slide down the zip line where Roy and Tony are ready to greet them and help them to the ground.
When it's Carissa's turn she is more hesitant than the others due to her fear of heights.She wants to do it but i not sure if she can.After lots of encouragement from the crowd, she starts up the rock wall.A third of the way up she stops. The crowd starts to chant her name. Carissa!! Carissa!! Carissa!!Halfway up now she begins to panic.Random people from the crowd are offering her advice on which rock to step on next.Carissa!! Carissa!! This distracts her and the panic subsides.Three quarters of the way up she slips and a hush falls over the crowd.Would this be the end? Would she give up?She's so close! There was complete silence for a very long time. Then Carissa finally said, "Would you guys start cheering my name again?" The crowd went wildSHe's not giving up. Carissa!! Carissa!! SHe reached the top where a volunteer helped her get attached to the zip line. There was so much cheering going on people passing by were stopping to see what all the excitement was about All this took place in about 30 minutes. No one seemed to mind. Not the volunteers who were tired from being out in the heat all day, not even the many children in line behind Carissa waiting patiently for their turns.
Once Carissa got attached to the zip line all she had to do was jump off and slide down to the ground.However, seeing how high she was had her frozen with fear. People were shouting words of encoragement up to her but she wanted nothing to do with it. Time passed and soon the dinner bell rang. Slowly, the crowd dispersed to the dining hall. All that was left was Carissa, the volunteer at the top of the rock wall,and Kelsey,Danielle,Eileen,Roy, and Tony at the bottom-waiting.Almost an hour had passed since she started this climb. It was now dinner time and I was getting concerned about her blood sugar dropping.After several minutes of debate and realizing that the only way down was the zip line-Carissa closed her eyes and leapt off the platform. We were all cheering so loudly we became hoarse. We all had tears in our eyes over what she had accomplished.She was greeted at the bottom with hugs and high fives from all of us.
This accomplishment was so much more than climbing up a rock wall. T all of us it was symbolic of overcoming obstacles-such as diabetes--and persevering even when it gets tough. And that in the end you will succeed and all of the hard work will be worth it.
When we finally made it to the dining hall everyone stood up and cheered when Carissa entered. For the rest of the weekend, Carissa was flying high. She couldn't wait to tell her Pop-Pop about it.
The retreat was a great experience.In spite of the hot cabins and uncomfortable cots, we all left the retreat feeling refreshed and empowered.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sugar Free Retreat-Part 1

At one of Kelsey's meetings with the diabetic educator,she asked us if we attended any of the diabetic camps they offered.She also wanted us to get involved with one of the local support groups such as the American Diabetes Association or the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.. Kelsey had been diabetic for almost a year now and I just couldn't bring myself to look into any of this information.My mind was still on overload with all of the changes and information we were receiving. In spite of my reluctance, I mentioned the idea of camp to Kelsey but she was nervous about going away to camp-diabetes or no diabetes.
After hearing details about about the "Sugar Free Retreat,"which is sponsored by the American Diabetes Association,Kelsey thought she would give it a try. Sugar Free Retreat held a fall and a winter retreat each year and the whole family is encouraged to attend.The winter retreat was held over President's Day weekend in Ocean City,Maryland at the Carousel Hotel.Kelsey and Mollie love the idea of going to the beach during the winter. They especially loved the fact that the hotel had an indoor iceskating rink. We were all excited about going and the minute we got there we knew we had made the right decision.
The weekend consisted of education and discussion groups for the parent,as ell as a chance to meet with different vendors from a large variety of diabetes supply companies.Kelsey was able to meet children her age who were going through the exact same thing she was.. Mollie even benefited from talking to other siblings and sharing their experiences.The children spent their days making crafts,playing games,participating in a talent show,and of course learning about diabetes.
Mealtime was a bonding experience. The air was filled with the sounds of glucometers beeping. Children were comparing their blood glucose numbers and carb counting was easy because each food item was labeled with their carbohydrate count per serving.If only each day could be this easy.
Michael and I enjoyed meeting the other parents and sharing stories of how we discovered our children were diabetic. We realized that this camp was at times more for us than it was for the actual children with diabetes.The parents relied on each other for support. We looked to each other for advice. We truly and deeply felt everything our children were going through.We empathetically felt each injection and each high and low blood sugar sypmton.It was at one of the retreats that one of the speakers labeled us as Type 3 diabetics. Type 1 :being insulin dependent and usually diagnosed as a child. Type 2 :usually controlled by diet,exercise, and oral medication,and diagnosed later in life. And Type 3:parents of Type 1 children. We were officially diagnosed. We reveled in introducing ourselves that way to new parents."Hi,this is my daughter Kelsey who has Type 1 diabetes and I'm her mom with type 3 diabetes. We enjoyed the confused looks on their faces. You could almost read their minds wondering if there. really was a Type 3 diabetes and why hadn't they heard about it sooner. (Who would predict that 5-6 years later Type 3 diabetes would unfortunately really exist. I will discuss this further in a future post.)Once these unknowing parents caught on they too joined the ranks of type 3 diabetics. The weekend was such a bonding experience. We learned so much from each other whether it was recommendations for a good endocrinologist or the best snack for a low blood sugar.We met children who were newly diagnosed and some who were diabetic since they were infants. It blew my mind to see a little 4 year old take his own blood sugar and show us how his insulin pump worked. AS a matter of fact,it was this little boy who inspired Kelsey to start pump education classes. The insulin pump was often suggested to Kelsey by our diabetic educator, but Kelsey was intimidated by it.SHe wasn't quite sure how the pump would be attached to her body and she was nervous about trying something new. The little boy was eager to show us where his pump was inserted and how it worked. He had Kelsey's full attention and after many questions-she was sold. Kelsey figured if a 4 year old can do then so could she.

Kelsey,Carissa, and Danielle

Kelsey,Carissa, and Danielle
SFWR Rock Wall

Carissa on the zip line

Carissa on the zip line

Kelsey and Danielle

Kelsey and Danielle
JR. Ambassadors for JDRF

Dance For Diabetes

Dance For Diabetes

The Mighty McGills

The Mighty McGills