Monday, July 2, 2012

One Proud Mama

It's been quite awhile since my last post but I am happy to say things are going well. Kelsey has grown sooo much in the last year. She graduated from high school and much to my dismay decided to go to college 2 hours away from home. As I've said in previous posts, I promised Kelsey that we wouldn't let Diabetes stop her from doing anything-and that includes going to the college of her choice While I vent my fears and apprehensions here in this blog, I try and make sure I don't voice them to Kelsey. Instead I hope i come off as supportive but realistic. When she was accepted to a college 2 hours away we took all the precautions necessary in preparing her for a year of Diabetes independence. We spoke to the "Health Center",moved her prescriptions to a local drug store, and let her be the one to tell her roommate and friends about her Diabetes. I of course wanted to tell everyone upon our arrival and hold a training session on how to administer the glucagon. I would have gone as far as to tape plastic bags of juice boxes and crackers at the bottom of her bed if she would have let me. (I hope most of you get my sarcastic sense of humor and know I wouldn't really do this-well maybe just the juice box thing. :) Anyway, Kelsey did an amazing job. Moving away was the best thing for her. She did well on her own because she had to. Mom wasn't around to lean on. I don't like to think I enabled her and I encouraged her independence on the daily -but maybe just knowing I was there didn't allow her to truly be independent. Throughout the school year she made appointments on her own,called her doctor with questions ,used various pump settings, and renewed prescriptions. Most importantly she took her blood sugar frequently.This was something that was lacking previously. She didn't have one DKA experience until finals week the last few days of school. Because of the stress of finals,lack of sleep, and a spring cold she ended of with large ketones. I really thought she was going to have to make a hospital visit but she called her doctor and he talked her through it.By the next morning, she was feeling much better and able to take her finals. I'm not really sure when or how she told her friends that she was Diabetic but they all knew and really looked out for her.This was especially reassuring to me when she went out on the weekends. If there's one thing I am-it's a realist. I know she is going experiment with alcohol at college-that's just a fact with the majority of college students. You are kidding yourself if you think your child is an exception-even if they are Diabetic. Sometimes I think especially if they are Diabetic. They are already different from everyone else, they don't want one more thing like "not drinking" to set them apart from the crowd. Now don't misunderstand me. I DO NOT condone underage drinking. But let's face facts here. Do you remember when you were 19? Kelsey has completed her Freshman year in college and I couldn't be more proud. She has learned to be independent not only at school but in managing her Diabetes as well. Now if only I could get her to clean her room.....

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